
by Toothprints LLC



The co-existence of micrognathia and mandibular retrusion with other conditions has received little attention in non-syndromic patients. These include feeding difficulty, oro-myofunctional problems, orthodontic development and airway concerns (references). Clinical diagnosis is often reduced to “clinical impression” in an attempt to avoid invasive diagnostic procedures such as radiographs, CAT scans and other 3D imaging. Screening indices dependent on invasive diagnostics help to define the maxillo-mandibular relationship and other indices have been suspect of inaccuracies. The gnathic-click app algorithm incorporates 5 indices commonly used to define the retrognathic mandible and is useful as a screening tool to predict the retrognathic grower from the time of birth. Its use will build a database to help clinicians identify non-syndromic patients that will benefit from early diagnosis and interceptive treatment.